Melanie’s Blog


Personal Development

How You Do Something Versus Why You Do Something and the Mental Traps That Creates
How and why do you do the things that you do? Kind of a big question, I know. We're all full of habits and learned responses for the way we behave and think....
Healing TMJ Disorder Naturally
I have numerous posts here on my blog about different treatments I’ve tried and different approaches I have undertaken in an attempt to heal the constant...
Affirmations Using the Body!
Are you a fan of affirmations? Saying things like, “I am a money-magnet” or, “I am confident and capable of anything I set my mind on”? I like the intention...
Personal Development
How to Change the Unchangeable
Do you believe that some problems have no solution? That situations, once they occur, are practically set in stone? Or that you can change the unchangeable in...
Goodbye 2020, Hello 2021 ~ Reflections on the past year
As one year ends and another one slides open, I want to part ways on a note of appreciation. So even as my mind can't help but think of where else I could be,...
Freedom to be Everything.
I tend to go really hard on things. I don’t know if this is a ME thing, a being-in-your-20s thing, a Manifesting Generator (#humandesign) thing, or maybe it’s...
How We Find Value – Our Core Purpose
Sometimes I don’t have words to express how I feel about my existence. I feel like I’ve grown so much in my spirituality in the past two to three years but...
Mel Makes It Happen is on YouTube!
Okay, this isn’t the newest of news but I’ve recently been posting more videos on my YouTube channel. The episodes of the Make It Happen Podcast have always...
Nurture Your Inner Child This Cancer Season
What has been on your mind lately? Do you feel preoccupied with feelings that you can’t put your finger on? We are in the midst of Cancer season, according to...
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Intellectual property, faulty systems, and appropriation
Where did you hear that? This belief that you hold—you must have heard it from somewhere, right? Can you cite the source or point out the original creator?...
Where I’ve Been, Phases, & Self-Connection
Hello bloggy blog! It feels like eons since I’ve shared a post here. I’ve been moving through different phases, attempting to do things I thought I should do,...
1 Year of the Pandemic: Disordered Eating Reflections
I have all the reasons to sit around indoors and not move so it takes effort to kick myself out of the excessive comfort and monotony of being primarily...