Melanie’s Blog


Personal Development

6 Months of Chiropractic Care: Experience & Results
Part of what I aspire to show with Mel Makes It Happen is that you can be going through hardships and still pursue happiness. You can be struggling but still...
Nurture Your Inner Child This Cancer Season
What has been on your mind lately? Do you feel preoccupied with feelings that you can’t put your finger on? We are in the midst of Cancer season, according to...
Navigating Blocked Energy with the Chakras
In the human body, we have 7 main chakras and, in Yogic medicine, each of these is where you will find manifestations of ill health or dis-ease. In case you...
Personal Development
The Process of Healing
Years ago, healing is not a word I would have associated with myself in a long-term state. To me, healing was the 1 to 2 weeks it takes to get over a cold or...
Evolution, Stepping into my Truth, & Turning 26!
I'm 26! It seems to me that 26 doesn't have as quite a ring to it as 21 or even 25 but it's a special day nonetheless. I'm taking this as a moment to reflect...
Finding Happiness During the Pandemic
I hope this summer has found you well. I hope you have opened up to discovering the possibilities present. I hope you’ve opened up to ways that you can be a...
Recognizing Denied Aspects of Self
It’s easier to judge than it is to accept that you want what someone else has. It’s easier to fear something than to admit you’re secretly curious to go...
10 Ways to Tend to Your Body, Mind, & Spirit During Self-Quarantine #Self-Care
I hope you all are well and staying safe. I’ve been laying low myself and have come to a comfortable place with the whole stay-at-home situation. For a...
Authentic Self-Care
I think we are in an era where the term self-care comes up more often than maybe it once did. Self-care is a buzzword that has become a catch-all to describe...
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Best of 2020 ~ Favorites in Movies, Podcasts, Products, and more!
This year hasn’t been a total bust! I know the internet has been “cancelling 2020” since March but I want to share some things that have made this year...
Freedom to be Everything.
I tend to go really hard on things. I don’t know if this is a ME thing, a being-in-your-20s thing, a Manifesting Generator (#humandesign) thing, or maybe it’s...
Inspired By Lately ~ November 2020
These past few weeks have been filled with many revelations. I feel like a snake shedding its skin over and over again. A constant unraveling of my identity...