Melanie’s Blog


Personal Development

My Arthritis Story
Before we dive in, I want to mention that May is not only Mental Health Awareness Month but also National Arthritis Awareness Month. While mental health is...
Self-image & the Mind-Body Connection
Self-image only matters to one person. By that, I mean that self-image is purely one person’s own perception of the way they carry themselves. With May...
Shed Judgment, Embrace Your Needs
In my last post, I shared how judgment is the cloud that alters the way we see the world. When you solely choose to put your sense of value in material...
Personal Development
How to Make Sustainable Changes
A year ago today I thought I was going to make a career out of being a Health Coach. That’s not really my game plan at the moment but I do still enjoy sharing...
Mel Makes It Happen is on YouTube!
Okay, this isn’t the newest of news but I’ve recently been posting more videos on my YouTube channel. The episodes of the Make It Happen Podcast have always...
The Missing Piece In Society & Your Role
In many ways, we have forgotten our sense of community. This was first evident to me when the coronavirus began spreading. Then, as other countries banded...
LISTENING: a practice in kindness and respect.
Listening AKA the ticket to make anyone who speaks with you instantly like you! Have you ever been in a conversation with someone and, a few seconds in,...
The Fear of Personal Truth
Happy 2019! This is my first blog post of the year on melmakesithappen and I am tying it in to my intentions for 2019. I posted a photo of my intentions...
The ONE THING you need to manifest your intentions into reality ☆☆☆
Nope, no witchery required. I just wanted to have some fun at a photoshoot but don’t let that detract from today’s topic on the power of manifestation. ...
All Posts
How You Do Something Versus Why You Do Something and the Mental Traps That Creates
How and why do you do the things that you do? Kind of a big question, I know. We're all full of habits and learned responses for the way we behave and think....
Healing TMJ Disorder Naturally
I have numerous posts here on my blog about different treatments I’ve tried and different approaches I have undertaken in an attempt to heal the constant...
Affirmations Using the Body!
Are you a fan of affirmations? Saying things like, “I am a money-magnet” or, “I am confident and capable of anything I set my mind on”? I like the intention...