Highlights of Scrappy Little Nobody
If you’ve been following celebrity news, then you might be aware of Anna Kendrick’s memoir titled Scrappy Little Nobody. Alternatively, if you do not follow celebrity news then, perhaps, you might be like me and randomly stumble upon the above mentioned book at a local library or book store.
Here’s how it happened: I caught a glimpse of Kendrick’s sly smile from the shelf of the New Arrivals section at my public library. I read the first page. It seemed tolerable. So, I checked out the book thinking that, at the very least, it would be mildly entertaining and make me laugh (at her or with her, who’s to know?). I really think I must have been desperate for new reading material because I am not a fan of Anna Kendrick.
To my pleasant surprise, Scrappy Little Nobody has got to be one of the most hilarious and enjoyable celebrity-written books I’ve ever read. That’s not to say that I’ve read many but…well, let’s get to the point.
If you are curious about what you can get out of this book, there is: drama, anecdotes from her youth, awkward adventures in dating, a voyeuristic look into awards shows, musical theater, and what goes into filming a movie, and much, much more!
The unexpected part about this book was that, even though the life Anna Kendrick has lived so far is not the life of the average person, it is still relatable. She describes her stories and thoughts in a way that make you feel like she is right there in the room with you, having a one-on-one chat. I’m not saying she’s the nicest person to chat with—(she’s not)—but she does have a unique perspective and insight.
I do not want to give too much away because what’s the fun in reading the book if I do that? I will, however, state my 5 favorite things about Scrappy Little Nobody:
- Anna Kendrick looks much younger than she actually is.
I’m in the same boat so I can empathize! It is a curse that also brought her a multitude of advantages, particularly in the acting world.
- She tells things as she sees them. No holding back.
I have always gotten the impression that Kendrick was a girl with a bratty attitude. After reading this book, I now know Kendrick is a woman with a bratty attitude.
- She knows what it means to rough it.
I’ve got to hand it to her. Even when fame seemed to be picking up for her, she was still living in a crumb of an apartment with roommates. It was eye-opening to learn that not everyone from Hollywood lives in a mansion and owns expensive shoes (okay, I’m exaggerating, but the latter does describe her—see book for complementary story).
- The woman knows she isn’t “nice” and is completely okay with that.
She does not expect you to like her. Though, in her defense, there are a number of characteristics that she does value and hope to improve.
- The Scrappy Little Nobody has as many talents as she does hang-ups.
I say this in a kind, joking manner because I feel like Kendrick and I are almost, kinda, sorta friends. I did read her book after all. She has mega vocal chops and has tried her hand in a number of roles but she has also gone through some challenging times to get there. So, maybe it’s the rocky climb to the top that has made Anna Kendrick a feisty little squirrel or maybe she is just naturally gifted with those traits. We may never know….
I learned a lot about Anna Kendrick and have a newfound admiration for her. That’s not to say I would go up to her if I ever spotted her in public. Heck no! I’ll just keep my admiration to myself and here on this blog.
Have you read Scrappy Little Nobody? If not, have I piqued your interest? Let me know in the comments.