I adopted a rabbit! Her name is Millie!
She is a female, Dutch bunny who was destined to be a show rabbit at the county fair before the whole nationwide self-quarantine orders were put into place.
In my last post, you read how I had actually adopted a rabbit and had to put her down after 3 short days with her. It was heartbreaking to say the least. I cried and mourned over the soul I had only just begun to get to know and now won’t get to know. Despite all of this, I still knew I wanted a pet rabbit and started hunting around on Facebook for anyone local who may have some available.
Granted, I did jump the gun a little because the day I got my Dutch bunny was only two days after putting down my previous one. So that made it bittersweet and a little difficult to watch Millie skitter around and be cute. At the same time, I knew that through loving another pet, this would be healing for me.

When I first saw Millie all she could do was look at me with her big eyes, begging to be picked up and held.
When I first saw her, she was swamped with over 50-100+ other rabbits all waiting to be sold off. Where did I find this giant collection of rabbits you wonder? Someone local to me was selling them off because the county fair couldn’t happen and I guess the 4-H kids didn’t want to keep their rabbits. (Side note: What?! I’ve never done 4-H but I feel like I’d want to keep my pet if I spent several months raising it and getting attached.)
Anyway, Millie (was previously unnamed; Millie is the name I gave her) was in a cage just staring through the fence with her little baby face. I opened the gate and she was just READY to be pet. I’ve never had rabbits that actually enjoyed being pet so that was something I was looking for with this new rabbit I was in the market for.
I was torn between her and a white Mini Rex with black spots. Both seemed kind and friendly but something about her was funny looking but really cute at the same time. (A friend of mine later said she reminds him of pugs and now calls her a pug-bunny LOL.) Yet she had this docile look on her face that just begged: TAKE ME! So I was like, okay little one, you win.
The moment I brought her home I quickly learned she was putting on a calm front but she is actually a hyper and rambunctious bunny!

Millie wearing her harness for her first outdoor adventure!
I’m talking about electric energy: sprinting, doing little kicks and flips when she runs around, and circling my feet like a little busy-bee each time I see her. So far, she just wants to destroy her cage, mark her territory, and pretend to dig holes in the corners of rooms (she’s wacky!) but, you know, it’s okay.
Of all times, since I am spending uninterrupted hours at home, it’s an excellent time for me to bond with her, play with her, and attempt to potty train her. Fingers crossed! This is part of the fun of having a new pet.
I may not have acquired Millie under the most serene circumstances but I am thankful to have her lighting up my days. She keeps me on my toes. Even better: we’re getting through these times of self-quarantine together! 💗
As I mentioned in my previous post, adopting a pet is also a really helpful thing to do to help others out and help yourself out during these times. Check out my lists on 8 Ways to Help Others During Self-Quarantine and 10 Ways to Tend to Your Mind, Body, and Spirit!